Snapdragon 855 data benchmark with a significant increase
At CES yesterday Qualcomm made a small event to benchmark their latest chipset, Snapdragon 855. In the benchmark competition, Snapdragon 855 produced a number that was quite surprising. Performance improvements compared to Snapdragon 845 can be said to be quite significant.
The following results when compared with the Galaxy Note 9, Pixel 3, OnePlus 6T and others:
- Geekbench
- GFXBench GL benchmark
GFXBench GL benchmark is designed to measure GPU performance.
- Antutu
- Octane 2.0
Google Octane is used to calculate Javascript performance.
- JetStream v1.1
The single-core capabilities of SD 855 clearly experienced a significant increase, multi-core performance also increased to match Apple's A11 Bionic. But keep in mind, the ability of single-core from Apple is still higher, and Apple still uses 6 cores, while SD 855 uses 8 cores. If Apple uses 8 cores, the results are like those on the iPad Pro 2018, Geekbench's multi-core results reach more than 18 thousand.
The most significant increase in SD 855 is on the web benchmark. This chipset's ability to render web pages doesn't play fast. While the smallest increase is in graphics. So don't expect you to get a significant difference compared to the previous series chipsets when playing heavy games.
Source: Android Police
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